Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Bye. =]

I'm not leaving Blogger
However, I do believe everything happens for a reason
We as "humans" have to learn
That we need to let people go.
We have to learn to say goodbye.
Holding on to people HINDERS your progress.
Of coarse there is never an appropriate time
To say Goodbye
But we have to get the balls and realize that if we don't
We will never move forward in life.
So I'm saying this to those who soon enough will figure out who they are....
You served your purpose in my life and I and yours.
Thanks. =]

Courtesy of Joel Osteen.

1 comment:

bebemaurine said...

This was good i like that, maybe i should start a process like that...I think I will cuz some ppl just need to move on and so do I, they served there purpose.